Home care in Ontario is a multifaceted system. CUPE OH @Home workers care for the elderly, children and everyone in between. Beyond Hospitals, OH @Home workers are the backbone of health care in Ontario.
CUPE represents 1700 OH @Home members in eight bargaining units across Ontario, from Windsor to Cornwall. Members work in every aspect of OH @Home work — as nurses, team assistants, administrative workers, IT professionals, care coordinators, occupational therapists and other health care professionals in home and community care.
In CUPE, the members make the decisions. Each CUPE bargaining unit elects its own leadership, decides priorities for negotiations and how to best work together to make improvements. You and your co-workers vote on what goes to the table, and you vote on whether to accept what is negotiated at the table. With 740,000 members CUPE is both the largest union in Canada and the largest union of health care workers. CUPE members have access to a $100 million strike fund whenever needed and significant funds for powerful campaigns.
United across Ontario, CUPE HCCSS members have:
- The power to win annual wage increases, benefits, and better job security.
- Proven expertise and advocacy in the health care sector.
- A collective voice to improve working conditions.
It takes collective power to win! Through your collective power in CUPE, you and your co-workers can improve your working conditions in the sector.